Easy Essential Oil Recipes to help you get through the colder weather!

Tired and stressed and over the sickness that just doesn’t seem to want to leave? I for one can’t wait for the warmer weather!

Most of us have experienced mood boosts from smelling the fragrances we love; essential oils make it possible to recreate the aroma all year round Here’s a list of super easy essential oil recipes that I’ve put together to help get us through this cold weather.


Breathe Easily:

Try blending this essential oil recipe in the bath to soften your skin and allow the vapours to clears your airways.

Don’t have time for a bath and just want something quick? This is a Breathe Easily, Mist Spray recipe using Essential oils!

  • 30 drops of Rosemary essential oil
  • 30 drops of Geranium essential oil
  • 25 drops of Spruce essential oil
  • 25 drops of Thyme essential oil
  • 25 drops of Lime essential oil
  • 15 drops of Cedarwood essential oil
  • 120mL of pure water

Add these essential oils to a spray bottle, spay and breathe in the mist to help soothe your breathing passages. (:


Floral Air Freshener:

Missing the scents of the warmer weather? This essential oil recipe has a great floral aroma, which will leave your home smelling fresh as well as boosting your mood.

  • 75 drops of Rose essential oil
  • 25 drops of Sweet Orange essential oil
  • 20 drops of Clove essential oil
  • 120mL of pure water

Fill a 120mL mist, spray bottle with pure water, mix essential oils and shake well. Remember the longer you leave the mist the stronger the aroma becomes. (:


 Massage Oil for Uplifting your mood:

Essential oils have powerful properties that may have calming effects on emotions. This essential oil blend is a great one to help uplift your mood.

  • 4 drops of Palmarosa essential oil
  • 4 drops of Ylang-Ylang essential oil
  • 4 drops of Sweet Orange essential oil
  • 3 drops of Lime essential oil
  • 15mL of Jojoba oil (or carrier oil of your choice)


Relaxing Foot Soak:

There are plenty of foot soak recipes out there, but this one happens to be one of my favourites! The essential oils blended together just create such a refreshing aroma as well as leaving my feet feel so smooth afterwards!

Mix Essential oils and Carrier oil with the tub of cool water. Soak feet and relax for about 10-15 minutes! 


Massage Oil for Restful Sleep using Essential Oils:

Here is a great recipe to help you get a full night’s sleep, especially during those cold nights!

For best results massage this blend into upper chest, back of the neck and along the back before going to bed. (:


Perfumed Pillows/ Tissues:

For a simple yet effective way to use essential oils you can put a few drops of your favorite essential oil on a tissue and place it under your pillow; to help get a restful sleep, tucking it in your sleeve for a relaxant or even down your bra. (:


Here are a few essential oils that you might use for this nifty idea. (:

Restful Sleep:                                                       

Relieve Fatigue / Stress:
  • Geranium essential oil                                                           
  • Clove essential oil
  • Cinnamon Bark essential oil
  • Grapefruit essential oil
  • Pine essential oil

     Mood Uplifting:

     * This information is not a substitute for medication / medical advice and is not intended to cure, diagnose or treat medical conditions. Keep away from children at all times.

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