Aromatherapy Blog - Increase Physical Endurance

I don't have time to go to the gym everyday, or have the energy to go after I finish work and exercise machines can get a bit pricy. Who knew Essential Oils are a great natural remedy for increasing physical endurance, and tight muscles after exercise! They're super affordable too!

These are essential oils that help increase physical endurance:

Have a look at these natural remedies for physical activity:

Massage Oil:

This Massage oil blend helps increase you performance during a workout, or any other type of exercise! 

Mix all ingredients together in a bottle and massage into specific muscles that you're working on daily and you'll start to see some improvement.

Relaxing Bath blend to combat stress:

I remember every time after a game I just felt so sore and lethargic! This blend is a great bath blend to help destress you muscles.

Mix together in a bath after exercise and it'll relieve muscle tension and leave you feel relaxed and uplifted!

Massage rub for sprains:

No more taking pain meds for sprains! this blend is a great natural blend for sprains!

Mix all ingredients together into a clean bottle and rub onto the sprained area. A few applications may be necessary to relieve pain.

 Need empty bottles? Fear not!

Check out my other essential oil blogs here:

* This information is not a substitute for medication / medical advice and is not intended to cure, diagnose or treat medical conditions. Keep away from children at all times.

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